Download the Feature Prioritization Framework From Our Sessions

The Data-Driven Prioritization Framework, built and followed by our product design team, is one of the key reasons why the digital products we design reap benefits. It’s a framework built on the product needs and struggles we have noticed during over 15 years of experience. And since May 2022, we have hosted three events on the topic “How to Grow Your Digital Product With Data-Driven Prioritization?” in Gdynia and Warsaw in Poland, and online.
We’ll take a recap of the events and provide the downloadable Feature Prioritization Framework.
Empowering Businesses to Foster Data-Driven Product Management
First and foremost, our goal was to help businesses uncover objective ways of making product development decisions. Companies of different sizes with ambitions to grow are often limited by many conflicting constraints and driven by speculative prioritization. So we shared our approach and best practices, attempting to answer lots of everlasting questions.
One of our global company objectives for 2022 within the OKR methodology is sharing our experience with foreign colleagues. So the first session we held in the Google for Startups Campus in Warsaw, Poland.
The next session was held in Gdynia, Poland, at an immersive international conference called Product Camp. We discussed our Data-Driven Prioritization Framework with Product Managers, Designers, Researchers, Growth Hackers, and other experts growing digital products. There, our speaker disclosed the topic to a wider audience.
After the events in Poland, we hosted an additional webinar so that everyone could join online. Also, we transferred all the funds from the events to a charity organization—NGO Come Back Alive. Thanks to our attendees for the support!
Sending also huge thanks to our amazing organization team, the speaker, and attendees for joining our sessions and supporting Ukraine.
The Data-Driven Prioritization Framework
This framework is a come-in-hand tool to help you make savvy decisions for your digital product. It has four phases, and after implementing them into your daily work, you will manage the challenges & resolve risks of feature prioritization, and empower the decision-making process.
Or book a call with our experts for discussing your particular case today.