UCU Website Revamp
The Challenge
The Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) is an open academic community and a private institution for education, research, and forming leaders to serve with professional excellence in Ukraine and internationally.
Basically every educational organization has a rather complicated structure, and UCU is no different — it includes more than 15 faculties, institutes and research facilities! At the time each of them had it own website, CMS, content management team and approach. Current solution was no longer consistent, scalable and easy to manage.
The Solution
Our goal was to create one solution to unite and put in order all separated websites. The resulting website should’ve serve two goals: easy access to required information for visitors and convenient website management for various teams from client side.
We also wanted to screen and prioritize current information, as it was quite a challenge with so many parties involved, but absolutely necessary for improving usability.
Brand new IA
The more time, efforts and thoughts designers put into working into product architecture and UX, the less it takes for user to achieve his goal while using it. The old website included hundreds of pages, making it hard to navigate and understand overall structure. As a step 1 we carefully analyzed old information architecture, defined key problems, ways to improve, and created a new one.
We proposed a new website structure to highlight the most important information, and focused on how we wanted the user to experience the flow of the site in the most effective and smooth way.
UI Design
Keeping in mind UCU branding guidelines, we created airy and modular UI design, allowing to represent different content blocks with focus on easy and convenient reading.
Home Page
Exclusive icons
One of main reasons to launch new website was to have more control of it and be able to update it daily.As a development platform we chose WordPress. Despite of some beliefs it’s not productive enough for big complex projects, it performs perfectly. Other technologies involved are HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, JQuery, Amazon S3 and CloudFlare.
As a result we delivered dynamic, scalable and well-ordered website, easy to keep up to date.
UX/UI Designer
Front-End Developer
Back-End Developer
QA Engineer
Client Feedback
Mariya Chubata
Marketing Director, Ukranian Catholic University