UI/UX for a medical application
About the project
The product, Etype Care, is a digital suite for care home management, service quality assurance and analytics. It consists of an iPad app for care home residents management and surveying, and a Web App for the care homes management and analytics.
The iPad application provides management and medical staff and a special Surveys module for care homes residents, created considering their needs and expectations.
About the client
Candesic is a leading healthcare consultancy with the headquarters in central London, serving private operators, investors, and public sector organizations.
Company’s business in fields of consulting & strategy services was recognized by international awards, such as “Strategy consultants of the year” ( Health Investor Awards ) and Vault yearly rankings.
While working on the wireframes, we payed attention to each of user groups particularities to assure simple, quick and intuitive interaction with an application. are homes staff should get quick and easy access to residents list, medical records, care plans and related records – in a visual, easy to read and modify mode. The main feature for care home residents are the surveys, so they should be as simple and intuitive, as possible. And finally the management should have access to general data and analytics of all care home facilities.
and 70+ more wireframes
Thinking about care homes
Etype care provides sophisticated data, such as medical records and care plans, in a quick and easy to use way, so the medical staff always has it within a hand’s reach. The management also has an access to all facilities general information and analytics.
Thinking about residents
Etype Care iPad application provides medical staff with all information they need to deliver a great quality service to care home residents. Application combines data from care home medical records and residents bracelets and sleep devices to provide full information about particular resident or care home in easy to use visual dashboards.
This project was particularly interesting for our UX team, since we got an opportunity to work on interfaces used by a special audience— elderly people. We created many variations and chose the most intuitive and easy to use one. It also can be customized individually for each person by settings menu.
Logotype & app icon
The Results
Etype Care application is currently used in UK care homes to
innovate workflow by providing
real-time residents information and advanced service quality analytics.