25 September 16:00 EEST

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25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

Gulf Bank Gulf Bank
Recent Case Study
Unlock the cash in your car

UX/UI Design for fintech startup

Finova Financial, USA

Finova Financial, USA - finova-banner-photo - Qubstudio

Qubstudio was chosen among other design companies to create a complex financial UI/UX design. It’s goal is to achieve better productivity, reducing support costs through UX and improve sales productivity. All of this had to be done in sync with Finova software development team.

About Finova

Finova Financial is transforming the FinTech industry as a socially responsible online lender, providing fast, affordable loans using user’s car as security.

Finova is supported by top Silicon Valley venture capital firms and Wall Street investors and operates complex processes on the backend side.

Finova Financial, USA - finova-mobile1 - Qubstudio Finova Financial, USA - finova-mobile2 - Qubstudio

Improve Customer Acquisition Process

Due long and tedious data collection needed to give loans , the drop off rates during customer onboarding is a painful issue UI UX design for Fintech. With the help of new UX design, we improved the flow for easier data entry on mobile to decrease the bounce during the onboarding stage. All you need to do is take your smartphone and follow simple step-by-step instructions.

Once the user received his credit, he can manage his credit (upload documents, track credit calendar, etc) through his personal cabinet.

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Finova Financial, USA - img5 - Qubstudio

Fully Responsive

Thanks to mobile first approach, the service is now easy to use on any device. The complex system of submitting information needed for a loan has become simple and convenient on mobile. Users just follow it step by step to get the cash loan the same day.

Finova Financial, USA - img6 - Qubstudio
Finova Financial, USA - finova-banner-photo - Qubstudio

We innovate in the financial sector, from blockchain to payments.

Discover the full spectrum of our fintech design expertise

Reduce Call Center Load

Whenever a user is confused or stuck in the process of getting a loan, he calls support. Once a startup like Finova scales fast, support costs can bury a financial hole in the company. Qubstudio and Finova created a UX that eliminates the ways something can go wrong to prevent high call center costs.

financial app wireframes

The team’s effective design lived up to the promise
shown in the development phase. Positive user
feedback focused on the platform’s visual appearance and intuitive UI.

Joanna icon - Lead UI/UX Designer, Qubstudio


Lead UI/UX Designer, Qubstudio

Finova Financial, USA - img7 - Qubstudio
Finova Financial, USA - img8 - Qubstudio
Finova Financial, USA - img9 - Qubstudio
Finova Financial, USA - img10 - Qubstudio

CRM Productivity

Qubstudio changed the CRM to make a more effective workflow and for managers. On one hand, to achieve Finova unique selling point - fast loan decisions. On the other hand, to remove avoidable work for managers that costs employee hours.

Custom Designed Caller App

Receiving and processing calls is now faster and more efficient within one interface. Calls are recorded and synced with client profile history in CRM.

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Finova Financial, USA - img12 - Qubstudio
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Finova Financial, USA - img17 - Qubstudio
Finova Financial, USA - img18 - Qubstudio

Referral Channels Management

Finova Financial relies heavily on referral sales, that’s why Qubstudio created a simple and transparent flow to manage partner sales.

Scalable Design Language

As we expect Finova to grow into a scalable and repeatable product, an established fintech UI design for products, the design system provides us with accessible markup to serve as a foundation for further updates.

Finova Financial, USA - img19 - Qubstudio

Our project required some heavy lifting on the backend side of the development and it had to be done simultaneously with the design. Our engineers had no major difficulties with development, so it's another upside of our experience with qubstudio. We worked in sync, I'd like to thank the project manager and the c-level for being patient and going the extra mile when it was necessary. Their user experience design vision and attitude made us feel confident our user would be able to get through the loan getting process easier and faster, which was our main business goal.

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Ivan Sokalskiy

CTO, Finova Financial

Project summary

In collaboration with Finova team, we’ve rebuilt company products in terms of user experience. Qubstudio came up with simple, intuitive user flows, eliminating the unnecessary steps and keeping Finova innovative product approach. Currently, Finova Financial provides fast affordable loan opportunities to the 70 million financially underserved Americans.
UX research
Wireframing and Prototyping
UI/UX Design
3 months
Project Manager
Lead Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer
USA, Florida