25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

25 September 16:00 EEST

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Webinar "How to grow your product through user insights"

Gulf Bank Gulf Bank
Recent Case Study
Custom solutions crafted to support your product at each lifecycle stage, whether you’re ideating, building, or scaling.
Complex retail getaway reinvention

Is it possible to let merchants store and analyze all their sales in one place, the same as to eliminate shopping routines for customers? Yes. And go add marketing campaigns, one-click payments in outlets and up-to-date look & feel here!

Vapulus, Egypt

Vapulus, Egypt - star-blue - Qubstudio Vapulus, Egypt - star-blue - Qubstudio


Released as a complex smartphone and tablet-based app for end-users and an mPOS web app for merchants, Vapulus project engaged our experts in Branding, Business analysis, UX and UI design to make the magic happen.

Compex UX review of Vapulus system gave us needed insights for how to fit best product flows and features to all types of users' needs.

We took the challenge to make complicated clear. To keep high-level customer data privacy compliance. To turn diverse retail solution parts into one body with a shared heartbeat and outstanding brand identity. Strong brand core on the basis gave a powerful push for recognizable interface development.

To keep a complex product look & feel consistent, we worked out a highly scalable design system, which Vapulus could apply for system further extensions.

Project summary

Brand Identity
Mobile App Design
Web App Design
POS Interface Design
UX Researcher
Lead Product Designer
Product Designer
Brand Designer
Project Manager
10 months
vapulus slider design
vapulus slider second image design
vapulus slider third image design
vapulus slider 4 image design
vapulus slider 5 image design
vapulus slider 6 image design
vapulus slider 7 image design

Brand & Identity

We started with in-depth research to obtain the deep feeling of Vapulus customers needs and touchpoints to create the brand core, able to drive efficient design decisions. Team created the clear-cut vision of market smashing tool to hit right customers with the right offers from one side and the quickest worldwide in store, in app and online secure payment system from the other. We elaborated efficient communication strategy, which empowered this brand vision to steal the hearts of both: shoppers and retail vendors.

Growth as Brand Value

We took out of the box look at Vapulus and discovered it as the best way to grow through optimized payments, advertising, analyzing and happiness delivery. Growth became a key deliverable of all the new Vapulus.

Victor - Art director at Qubstudio


Art director at Qubstudio

vapulus main font image
vapulus brand design image 1
vapulus brand design image 2
vapulus brand design image 3
vapulus brand design image 4


User flow mapping and optimization allowed us to provide simple and convenient way for buyers to send and request payments, track the hottest bargains and offers from tones of retailers, track their spendings. And pay in one click of course.
It's the must-have.

Vapulus, Egypt - star-yellow - Qubstudio Vapulus, Egypt - star-yellow - Qubstudio Vapulus, Egypt - star-yellow - Qubstudio
Vapulus mobile design first image
Vapulus mobile design second image
Vapulus mobile design screens example

Business platform

Our solid domain expertise in retail and e-commerce made it easy to provide both: large and small vendors with system able to track all their sales form all possible channels in one place. We developed toolbox to perform all the needed customer data analysis the same online marketing campaign setting and tracking without any extra efforts.

Vapulus, Egypt - star-green - Qubstudio Vapulus, Egypt - star-red - Qubstudio Vapulus, Egypt - star-yellow - Qubstudio Vapulus, Egypt - star-blue - Qubstudio
Vapulus admin panel design
vapulus design kit

Scalable Design Language

To keep consistent product during all life cycle and in the future we started with Design language, creating universal components that will be use in the future as well.

Kate - Interaction designer


Interaction designer

mPos Terminal

Innovative shopping experience in physical outlets was the final challenge we successfully resolved during the project. The idea was to provide cashiers and outlet administrators with the ability to track customers inside the shop and their purchases at one glance same as to provide customers with contactless payments. At the same time system was designed to protect customer privacy, as user personal data, such as phone number, were not revealed to business.

vapulus tablet version design

This Project for Fintech in Numbers

User flows
UI Kit Components
Screens in total